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Geomorphic landform design

A geomorphic approach to waste rock dump design creates landforms that mimic the function and aesthetics of more natural environments. The basis of a geomorphic design is to create a landform that does not require ongoing treatment to prevent soil erosion, is hydrologically stable, is visually appealing and promotes a self-sustaining ecosystem. The goal is to design landforms that adhere to geomorphic principles and behaviors of water flow on natural landscapes. By mimicking the function of nature, such landforms are designed to efficiently convey water without excessive erosion or sediment loading on the surrounding environment.


Such landforms offer more topographic variation than conventional designs. The valleys that result from establishing a functional drainage system provide a diversity of microclimates including slopes and slope aspects that result in varied water harvesting, soil conditions, sunlight exposure and ecological niches, which ultimately promote the development of a more resilient and diverse ecological composition. Geomorphic landform design has been identified as Best Available Technique (BAT) in the European Union.


For more information on geomorphic landscape design, contact VAST AB.

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